Chapter – Child
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO Chapter – Child Child This is a person of any age who is a natural, adopted, step, foster or nominal son or daughter of a couple or lone parent, usually resident in the same household. A child is also any individual under 15, usually resident in the household, who forms a parent-child relationship with another member of the household. This includes otherwise related children less than 15 years of age and unrelated children less than 15 years of age. Bạn đang xem: Chapter – Child In order to be classified as a child, the person can have no identified partner or child of his/her own usually resident in the household. A separate family in the household is formed in this instance. If a person is aged under 15 and has a partner and/or a spouse these relationships are not recorded. There are three types of children identified by the Relationship in Household classification: child under 15; dependent student; and non-dependent child. Ch...