Accurate. Immediate. Essential. Subscribe today for news you need now. location
Sharengay Trang Tin Tức Độc Đáo VIDEO Accurate. Immediate. Essential. Subscribe today for news you need now. location Bạn đang xem: Accurate. Immediate. Essential. Subscribe today for news you need now. location Gallery: A tour of The Island, Oregon’s off-limits national landmark The first thing you need to know about The Island is that you’re not allowed to go to The Island. While it’s designated as a National Natural Landmark – one of 11 in Oregon – nobody, save a few officials with Oregon State Parks and the Bureau of Land Management, is given access. It’s an attempt to protect a patch of pristine desert landscape, and it looks like it’s working. This fall, I was granted a tour of the peninsula, located at the heart of The Cove Palisades State Park, where two guides took me up to and across The Island, explaining what this place is and why it’s so fiercely protected from human interference. I arrived at the trailhead on a cloudy Friday morning in September, when on...